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Thanks again for checking out my website.
If you like what you've seen, please let me know by leaving a comment, sending an email, or finding me on Twitter. I love feedback, reviews, and even criticism if you've got some. I'm always learning, after all.
Interested in working together? Cool, me too! I'm always up for a new creative project, and I wanna hear all about your future work of genius. Yes, I'm looking for freelance work. And the crazier, the better. Also, please stop by again soon. I'm always writing... and I have tons of cute puppy photos, if this so entices you.
One final note: this site's an evolving caboodle of personal photos, freehand drawings, my many meanderings, follow-up ramblings, roundabout yammering, and a free-roaming prolixity that's rife with tautological periphrasis. All rights reserved.